Dodging killjoy ult in style.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 10, 2021 9:38 AM

Clip from my friends POV

I learnt this trick from this subreddit months ago when killjoy was first released in Act 2. I just wanted to create this post to remind people of this trick and appreciate it. I had tried the trick a few times before but this was the first really successful one and it happened to be in a radiant lobby with my radiant friends.

The trick is to use your omen ultimate while the killjoy ultimate is about to detonate and you will be able to cancel and teleport back into the position you were at and avoid being detained (catches enemies off guard as seen in the video)

  • You should use your ultimate with around 2 seconds until detonation of KJ ult, this is because you need to get into the part of the animation where you see the location you are ulting to, otherwise you will do it too late and still get detained.
  • Just press 'x' or your ultimate button again once you see the "ENEMY KILLJOY" indicator show the amount of players detained.

People often struggle with dealing with killjoy ultimate when they are used to retake a site. Using this trick is a really strong aid in keeping site control and ending the retake attempt since you are able to have a player on site to stall the enemy for even just a few seconds and /or get a kill, which allows your team to rotate back to holding the spike defuse.



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