Does Agent 0 exist?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, February 27, 2021 12:02 PM

Does Agent 0 exist?

Now, I know you're all thinking, "This guy is a complete idiot and knows nothing about what the devs have said. This is the dumbest question ever." but at least let me down softly if I'm wrong. I know we're all freaking out about the reveal of Agent 15. But has anyone else noticed that all the character based calling cards are off by 1 number? This sounds really dumb. The Spotify playlist picture that was leaked on twitter here for Agent 15 has a 16 in the bottom left, and Yoru, who was Agent 14, on his character calling card has a 15 on the top right I believe. Does this imply the existence of an Agent 0 with a character calling card number of 1? Please debate, or insult me if this was another braindead post. Thank you.



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