Posted by Steve
Sunday, April 2, 2023 2:12 PM
I have been playing for a couple of weeks now (level 19, going to unlock competitive and play my placement matches tomorrow) and through my journey to my current level, I’ve realised my aim is terrible. Whenever I get into a fight with someone, my crosshair is nowhere near their head but their crosshair is directly on mine. I’ve tried practicing my aim in the range but it doesn’t seem to help much. Is using abilities well better than aim? I watched some of the EMEA stream on Twitch and the players do miss their shots occasionally, but they generally can consistently 1 tap with the vandal.
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Again Thanks for so much love on previous videos, IT REALLY MOTIVATES ME TO KEEP MAKING MORE OF THESE!!! Tried this trend to show how powerful yoru shorty ult is, do watch the end!!!
Posted by Otto
Sunday, November 27, 2022 8:12 PM
Intersting keybind I found. If you map 'Open Armory' and 'Open Map (Hold)' to the same key, you can make the buy screen a hold instead of a toggle.
Posted by Otto
Thursday, April 8, 2021 8:12 AM
How did this full blind me ? Is flash checking not client sided but server sided ? I was playing on 40ms
Posted by Otto
Friday, May 27, 2022 9:38 PM