Posted by Steve
Sunday, March 7, 2021 12:02 AM
I took a break from valorant for a few months when icebox dropped and started getting back into it. Can't understand the thought process behind these ranked changes. Even if the system before was vague and ambiguous, I much prefer that system that rates me based on my performance rather than the performance of my team overall.
And no, Im not saying this as a duelist player that runs in headfirst thirsting for frags. I'm a Sova one trick.
The ranking system complimented the mess of a matchmaking system Valorant has. And I mean that not like it's something that needs to be changed. I actually think its fine. The thing is, it's highly inconsistent. In one game, as a gold 2 player, you'll be in a high silver low gold lobby. The next game youll be in a low plat lobby.
And this has nothing to do with mmr variance between games or anything like that. Its just how the systen finds games. And thats fine.
Why does the old rank system compliment this inconsistent matchmaker?
Because in the games where Im the low guy in the lobby, I can be impactful through communication, ability usage and game sense even though I'm not a better shot than the people in my lobby. And I will be rewarded mildly if we manage to win even if I don't frag out of my mind.
In contrast, the games where I'm stuck in the silver lobby and I'm a significantly better than the people I'm against, I won't be held back by the teammates im stuck with. Even if I'm losing the game, at least if I'm playing well, I won't be punished nearly as hard or maybe at all for simply having the worse team.
The old ranking system felt much more rewarding for people that were actually playing well and was a good indicator of your personal performance.
This new ranking system simply punishes you for that one asshat that afks, or the team that wont stop screaming at eachother, instead of actually being an indicator of your personal performance.
Change the system back. Even if you keep the rank rating system and the 100 LP system or whatever, make it so ranking is more based on your personal performance rather than the sometimes coinflip based team you happen to get at any given time. It's much less frustrating to play solo queue with the old system and much more encouraging to play long term.
I get if they wanted to make it more transparent, but the changes unrelated to transparency hurt the competitiveness of the queue imo.
Its not league of legends. Skill level can be much more accurately determined by individual performance. I dont see why the rating system should be as frustrating as leagues. It makes people more toxic. And completely discourages solo queueing.
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