Posted by Steve
Thursday, January 14, 2021 11:04 AM
I've been upper gold rated in the previous season. After a bad spell, I got stuck in silver.
I feel like there is absolutely no game sense or basic concepts what so ever.
Every single offensive push is a five man push. No one in silver has any concept of a split push.
If you try to do it solo, you might get a pick or two, but there is no one to trade off of you.
If your team says "Alright, lets rush B." What they really mean is, "Alright, lets run at B, and we stop at the very first gun shot or utility we encounter. No, we won't send our entry frag in first, we'll just stay stuck in this doorway even though its a 5v1 right now. We'll stop right here and wait until we get flanked"
I find that I actually start to do better and have more wins when I stop using useful strats in low elo. I just accept that every push is a five man push and you can't count on your teammates to refrag. You have to know they're going to be scared.
Idk, just frustrated that playing intelligently almost gets punished in low ELO.
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Posted by Otto
Saturday, May 8, 2021 5:04 PM
Just your average rotate *Audio Warning*
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Wednesday, February 17, 2021 9:09 PM
Now the tables have turned huh!! (Forgot to upload this here) @danwhocanph
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9:38 AM