Posted by Steve
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 8:12 PM
I have been watching VCT for most of the week, and I’ve noticed that when I watch certain players play and try to replicate it straight after I play so much better. It’s weird lmao. I wish I had a screen of nAts 24/7 playing by me I’d be radiant in no time
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Congratulations to 100T for winning First Strike, I think someone owes me money.
5 months ago i had this lovely conversation with a stranger.
I am behind the news but Congrats to
100 Thieves for winning First Strike NA a fee days ago.
I think I can image that person watching hiko's...

Posted by Otto
Saturday, December 12, 2020 3:38 AM
Can I do anything about smurfs on Premier?
I've been looking at the teams on my premier division now that my team is on playoffs. The only 6-0 team has an iron 1 member absolutely DEMOLISHING plat and diamond players (not to mention the rest of their team being very high elo already...
Posted by Otto
Monday, May 15, 2023 10:50 PM
Within the first 5 hours of Act III being out in NA got stuck in a 56 round game
This is my third placement and a lot of my team's first and it was gruelling as all hell. I'm happy to say that everyone was cordial and supportive, including the enemy team.

Posted by Otto
Thursday, June 24, 2021 1:28 AM