Does your average personal stats effect rr gain?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 15, 2022 12:31 PM

I've noticed this for a long time now. I'm ascendant 3 and on average around 24+ kills, 220+ ACS, and 140 ADR every game. Win rate is a flat 50%.

I've noticed that regardless of if I am MVP or not, I usually only gain like 18rr max in a win. If I drop anything lower than 20 kills I get like 15rr.

Losses regardless of MVP, if I drop 20+ kills I lose 18rr. If I drop less than 20 kills I lose 20-22rr.

The lobbies are usually full of A2-A3 with maybe 3 immortals, and this is always the case for me.

The only time these factors are negated is if the team wins after keeping the other team to only 3 round wins.

My friend gains 18rr as long as we win, one time he dropped a flat 20 kills and he gained +24rr.

I've been playing this game for a long time and still dont really understand the MMR and elo gain stuff.

Is it because I'm averaging these stats that the game doesnt take in to account my individual performance? Or am I just confused and I do just belong here in ascendant, and it's trying to keep me here unless I improve or something?



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