Does having high ping increase your peeking advantage?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, February 6, 2021 1:00 PM

Does having high ping increase your peeking advantage?

Hello. Long story short:


  • Played with 4 other friends (EUW).
  • Matched up against another 5-men team.
  • Enemy team's players all have high ping (100+).
  • They peek and easily get frags most of the time.
  • We lost.

Normally, I expect people with high ping to have issue while playing, but they actually seemed to perform even better.

I know there's this topic regarding "peeking advatange" (I'm quite ignorant about it) but is it even possible to "abuse" it? I guess they queued by selecting another server.


TL;DR: 5v5 with enemy team with 100+ ping. Abusing peek advatange?



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