Does having too many duelist leads to lose regardless?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 5:19 AM

Does having too many duelist leads to lose regardless?

Good morning everyone,
I am a fairly new player to Valorant, I have around 50 hours at the game, 20 of which in competitive (if I am correct). I come from 6000 ish hours of CS:GO.

I started playing the game with no knowledge about Agents and what were the meaning behind being a Duelist or a COntroller or other. I started playing sage as I read she has a healing ability and that suits my aggressive and risky play style.

When I firstly started the competitive gamemode, I ranked silver 2 as a main Sage player. I went a lot at making teamplays before thinking on myself: reviving players, giving health to people while I needed that too. In short - a teamplayer that aims at the win before the stats.

However, I saw that a new Agent - yoru - had the ability to teleport around and literally run between enemies without being seen or heard. So I unlocked it and in my first games I kept losing. So I tried to play with Phoenix a little and I lost too

So now my question comes out obviously: does having too many duelist leads to lose regardless of anything else? Why I win more when I play Sage or Brimston, even if the kills are less? I often times cannot rely on teammates and duelist should be the type of Agent that aims only at killing. But statistically speaking I lose more when I play with one.

Thanks for reading so far - I highly appreciate any feedback or tips you can give me.
Those are my stats if you are curious



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