does it mean that I'm doing something wrong if i'm getting flamed pretty often?

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 15, 2021 5:33 PM

i don't have a very big history with fps games, since i mostly played league for the last few years i don't have the sharpest aim obviously

i just started playing ranked and placed bronze, im getting flamed like at least 2 out of 3 games. people usually get mad that my aim isn't very good or they don't like the champs that i pick etc

i started to question myself because you know, league community is widely known as the asshole of the whole gaming community, but even in league i have not been flamed that much

i'm something like 17 level and people who flame me that much are around 100-150 level, i usually respond with "if you are so much better than me why are we in the same game, you are litteraly in the unranked mmr" but that usually doesn't calm them down lmao

turkish server btw



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