Posted by Steve
Friday, June 3, 2022 7:43 AM
I saw a guy claims that if he didn't spend money on a game doesn't sponsoring game's company is that true ?!
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Valorant needs 1v1, Retake and Other modes to help players improve.
It’s really hard getting better at valorant sometimes and I think that this game needs modes other than deathmatch for mechanics to improve. Sometimes playing ranked isn’t enough and people don’t know how to get better.
Posted by Otto
Friday, March 19, 2021 3:09 PM
TenZ here to stay, so what happens to Sinaatra?
Now that Sentinels have basically announced TenZ is staying, what happens if the investigation into Sinaatra finds him innocent?
I'm fairly new to the whole thing, but I'm just curious to know what people think will happen next
Posted by Otto
Friday, June 4, 2021 2:26 PM
Id rather wait in que a couple of minutes longer than play same map over and over
I know they tried to lower the chance of same map coming up over and over again but its unbearable. Last night 3 binds in a row and tonight i play haven, then i get ascent(favorite map but enemy dodges) and i play haven again back to back....
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 3:53 PM