Does Riot care about smurfs?

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 21, 2022 12:02 PM

I am honestly asking because this is game breaking for me - I love the game when it is a fairly even match, but that has not been the case, more and more of late.

I am consistently finding a smurf on one, or both teams. This ruins the game for everyone playing in their own elo. Last night, I played a game well, taking out Team MVP - on a team who communicated and worked well together - but it didn't matter. They had a Reyna who did nothing for the first 5 rounds. After that? Proceeded to one shot everyone, get aces and finish with a score more than 3 times the next nearest in a Silver 1 lobby.

I feel like many things could be done to address this - including MFA and hardware bans - but if RIOT genuinely doesn't care about it... probably time to find another game.



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