Does the State of the Agents article have a code?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 29, 2021 4:50 AM

At the end of the recent State of the Agents article, there are some -seemingly- random characters that say:

Our hope is that the @*&#*&!(&H! #$ &*! *%# &@! *U&^A! “@*!!*(@@*&^” (@&* ^@!^& &@! *&# &^C#^ANG W*^@ $O )(E&# *N@! S!T#$

I tried to solve it based on some guesses, such as "S!T#$" meaning SITES and "$O" meaning SO but there are words I couldn't guess and even based on the guesses I made, there are words that don't make sense.

Are these really just random characters or is there more work that needs to be done?



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