Don't call out someone for not playing like a team when you won't.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 16, 2021 3:24 PM

So I main skye. I was playing comp trying to get back into bronze and I got paired up with a 4 stack. 3 of them chose duelists and the last chose sage. I top frag the whole match trying to push into sites and overall win. But not one of the duelist would push first. They all say near spawn trying to get one taos with vandals. And then they had the audacity to say I needed to play as a team because I was trying to get on site as attackers. And at the end of the game said "gg our skye sucks". It hurts because I want to win I know I'm not the best but I try my hardest. So if you pick duelist don't sit back in spawn not pushing when I flash site or am physically fighting on site. And defiantly don't talk trash when you are doing the same thing. Sorry for the length.



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