Don't give throwers the response they want.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, April 8, 2021 5:33 PM

I just wanna say, don't give the toxic people who threaten to throw any attention. Just tell them "do whatever you want I'm gonna mute you" Just don't give them the satisfaction that their throwing has any meaning to you.

To the people who care about that single ranked game. Man take the loss of he throws. Your skill will eventually drag you someday in yhe future when you improve and when you consistently perform well. Ignoring that guy makes you play in a better mood for sure than fighting with him or showing your anger in any way. Your reaction is what gives them meaning. Don't even insult them back or type in all chat something to him whining like a 4th grader.

Completely ignoring him will make him bored or maybe start playing normal again if he think he is just wasting his time.



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