Posted by Steve
Monday, September 27, 2021 5:48 PM
I've seen this far too many times in ranked and, of course, low elo. People play an agent because they know that on that particular map is very strong or because they're asked to, but never really played it before. Stop doing this. There's nothing more frustrating than seeing somebody that's supposed to do a certain thing that doesn't do anything and stands around clueless. Even if your 12 year old Reyna main orders you to pick an agent and screams into the mic ath the top of their lungs, don't do it if you're not comfortable playing it. This happens especially with Sage, controllers, like omen, and JETT . If you don't know how to smoke, pick another agent, if you don't know how Sage works, where walls are useful, pick another agent. It's better to have no smokes than bad smokes, because bad smokes actually favor the enemy team. Don't fill agents you can't play. And I know that you can argue "well you can still shoot your gun", this ain't CS, this is a utility based tactical shooter, and therefore utility is important, and becomes the more important the more you climb. Sure, nobody cares if you can't smoke in Iron or bronze, even in silver, but when you reach gold and Plat things start to get serious and not being able to play an agent really can make the difference between winning and losing (it already does in low elo but it's far more common). Practice in the range, unrated, custom, whatever you like to understand how that agent works, if you see that it occupies a relevant place in the meta and people often ask for it, experience how it is to play it, and then hop into rank. You'll receive far more praise and far less insults
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