Don't pick duelist if you wanna chill

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 2, 2021 2:12 AM

I know many of you will hate me for that but after my 5th rank game in row where someone instalocks pheonixs and never go first, i have to say this...
you wanna watch the back of your team? Okay, take cypher, kj, sage or maybe omen.

you wanna go second or prepare an engage for your team? Yeah cool take breach, skye, omen or brim.

Its okay when some duelist lurk sometimes or hold angles but not when your team needs your engage tools

But pls dont take a duelist and then hold defense angles as a attacker..its your job to engage, get info for your team and maybe get the first frag. Sometimes you will die but your team has info now, can refrag and can get side control.



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