Dropping 30 bombs does not mean you belong in a higher rank.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 20, 2021 11:33 AM

I've seen alot of post lately about how players with alot of kills hardstuck in a certain rank. I just reached plat for this act and I have been there too. What I found is that if you belong in a higher rank you will consistently outperform your opponent and getting crucial kills.

When you did really well in a match but bottom frag the next match that does not mean u belong in a higher rank. In that case is not you that did well, rather its just that opponent played very badly.

I found myself always ego peeking and looking for picks in lower ranks and in this case kills does not translate to your actual performance. Leaving a taken site and rush to ct for kills isn't a good play.

As alot of people have stated kills doesn't equal to wins however I only agrees to certain extent. Getting kills is important and it only matters if you killed the 'right' opponent, if you are lurking amd killed a flashed opponent on site is not a meaningful kill(any of ur teammate can do that) , cutting off rotation is far more valuable.

If you want to rank up please play for win and do your role, if you are smoke just play smoke and not entry, create space, cut off rotation, hold angles, etc. Just play for win and you will rank up.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m8ev4i/dropping_30_bombs_does_not_mean_you_belong_in_a/
  • https://reddit.com/m8ev4i

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