Posted by Steve
Saturday, January 28, 2023 5:04 PM
First of all, 2060super, Ryzen 7 3700x. I moved houses and hopped on Val only for my game to be stuttering like crazy only when I aim from left to right or right to left. I searched for hours on Reddit and YouTube. It took me down a rabbit hole of information. I went to my bios, Nvidia control panel, Msi after burner, drivers, system software updates. I went into my NvCP (nvidia control panel) messed with those settings per what Reddit told me and I boosted my fps(thanks but that wasn’t the issue) As for my stuttering, I couldn’t figure it out at all after 17 hours of reading I said screw it and scorched earth my pc. Complete reset. Turns out Logitech has issues with usb 2.0 ports…all I had to do was move my wireless mouse down one to my usb 3.0. Haven’t stuttered since. If you’re having the same issue, might be more simple than you think
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