Elo hell exists.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 9:38 AM

Currently on a 12 loss streak while team MVP half of them. This rank reset has been hell for me in solo q. I was diamond 1 last act, placed gold 3 this act. Why do I keep getting people that are terrible on my team, meanwhile the enemy team has literal gods? My mental is completely depleted and I try to stay positive but then I get people who dont even know how to place a smoke... Then I give them feedback and they go crazy. When I get cool teammates tho, the enemy team has a dude dropping 30 kills. I know I instalock Jett and that pisses some people off but most Jetts I have played with in gold only bait and bottom frag. I need a therapist.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/si5ty5/elo_hell_exists/
  • https://reddit.com/si5ty5

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