Posted by Steve
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 8:40 PM
In Europe the servers have names of the cities they’re in meaning they automatically get tied to a country and therefore, the country’s language inevitably. Me living in Portugal means ideally I should use the Madrid servers since i have better ping than most Spanish people on it due to my 5g fiber connection but, my Spanish isn’t really that good for me to feel comfortable speaking it. My English on the other hand is quite good tho but in 8/10 lobby’s I’m basically ignored because I don’t say “Hola” or “buenas” and they mostly prefer to speak Spanish between them than even trying to speak English with me. So when inevitably the game doesn’t go our way, they start flaming me and my friends saying we should go away and not play on a server “made for” Spanish people and saying shit like “Spanish or afk”. Today I really didn’t want to go through this again so I hopped in the London servers only to immediately be greeted by someone shouting “you fucking foreign donkey” because I dont have a British accent Even if I try to say this doesn’t affect my mental, I would be lying because it leaves me fuming knowing people whose first language isn’t English, Spanish, Swedish, French or German don’t really have a place where they can just play the game without being constantly targeted for the language they speak. My recommendation to fix this would be changing the servers names. For example, Madrid would be called south europe, Berlin and Paris would be Central Europe 1 an 2, London United Kingdom and Warsaw Eastern Europe. Of course the changes wouldn’t be immediate but I think over time people would lose this sense of ownership over the servers and would lead to a healthier communication in game.
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