Even if you mean well, I think giving unsolicited advice/tips to your teammates is counterproductive

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 10:07 AM

This obviously is situational, but time and time again I’ve noticed that serious fights and toxicity start a lot with one player giving unsolicited advice to another (i.e telling them to aim higher in the middle of a clutch is what I notice most) and that player getting offended over it.

Honestly it makes sense, especially if you’re frustrated, someone giving unwanted advice gives off a vibe that they think they’re better than you even if that wasn’t the intention. After seeing so many fights break out cause of this I honestly think it’d be more productive to just let the person play, especially if the thing they struggle with is something like aim or game sense, which takes practice to get the hang of. Of course if it’s something that takes a second to fix, like letting your teammate know you can right click a Classic to let out 3 simultaneously firing bullets, that’s different, but still I think people should just back off tbh


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m0hddo/even_if_you_mean_well_i_think_giving_unsolicited/
  • https://reddit.com/m0hddo

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