Even if your teammates are straight trash, don’t be toxic

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 8, 2022 5:33 PM

Sometimes you get in a lobby with a bad player that might as well be throwing. It’s frustrating, but there’s no point in being toxic. Starting an argument will only throw off the team balance.

I had a game today when we were up 12-6. Our bottom fragger messed up an easy 1v1 and another team member started verbally abusing them. The rest of the team was positive, but it started an argument and coms got messed up. We went from 12-6 to 12-9 with arguing between rounds until I muted my team. The game eventually ended in a draw at 14-14.

Im confident that if the toxic teammate just stayed quiet, we could have closed out the game like 13-8 give or take. Being toxic only hurts the team.

You can lead your team and point out mistakes that can be fixed within a round or two, but leave out anything that needs more time to fix. Bad teammates are frustrating, but if you want to be toxic, at least mute your mic. We all have trash teammates. Just call them trash to yourself or to your friends on discord.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/uk95p4/even_if_your_teammates_are_straight_trash_dont_be/
  • https://reddit.com/uk95p4

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