Every Agent's Lore Summarised

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 1:28 AM

- Heights given are lore wise, as in game all agents have the same character model and hitbox

- An agent's agent number refers to the order they each joined VALORANT Protocol

- Ages given are rough estimates and shouldn't be considered canon "Young Adult" - 20-29 "Adult" - 30-39 "Middle Aged Adult" - 40-59


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: Ghana

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'11

  • Astra is Agent 16 of VALORANT Protocol
  • Astra is from Accra, Ghana
  • Astra likely got her powers from a lake
  • Since she received her powers, she uses a golden arm to contain them and acts as a self proclaimed "astral guardian", ensuring that any universe-altering events do not have devastating consequences
  • Astra's favourite food is jollof
  • She often doodles in a sketchbook to process her thoughts
  • She is wary of Reyna's violent ideals


Real name: Unknown

Age: Adult

Origin: Sweden

Race: Human

Height: 6'3

  • Breach is Agent 13 of VALORANT Protocol
  • Breach is a double congenital amputee, meaning he was born without arms
  • He built himself bionic arms
  • He became a criminal, doing some terrible things that earned him a bad reputation
  • Along his time as a criminal, he met Raze and became a close friend of hers. Raze helped upgrade his arms, giving them the carbon-steel titanium plating they have today
  • He was later hired by VALORANT Protocol, although his induction was not a smooth affair
  • Upon joining VALORANT, his criminal records have since been sealed
  • Breach dislikes Kingdom, and therefore has friction with Brimstone


Real name: Unknown

Age: Middle aged adult

Origin: United States of America

Race: Human

Height: 6'2

  • Brimstone is Agent 1 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He is from Baltimore, Maryland
  • His first jobs were as a fireman, then a military soldier, alongside a close childhood friend
  • He later joined Kingdom, as part of their humanitarian branch K/SEC
  • Brimstone helped set up VALORANT Protocol alongside Viper
  • He has a close bond with Killjoy, who he sees as his protégé
    • She designed his bracer
  • After meeting in unpleasant circumstances, he has apprehension towards Chamber


Real name: Vincent Fabron (speculated)

Age: Adult

Origin: France

Race: Human

Height: 6'1

  • Chamber is Agent 18 of VALORANT Protocol
  • In his youth, he worked for the French military, then moved on to becoming a PMC marksman, then a weapons designer for Kingdom
  • Around 10 years after First Light, Chamber travelled to New Mexico and began communicating with employees at the Everett-Linde research facility (now Fracture). He was later barred from entering facility grounds, but returned with his mirror counterpart (who he had already met and established an agreement with) and together destroyed the facility's large Radian collider, killing a lot of scientists and workers
  • A year later, he encountered Brimstone and Viper, where together they were put in an unpleasant situation. Chamber promoted himself as someone who could help VALORANT with their interests, and thus found himself on the team
  • Chamber has a past misunderstanding with Neon, and suggesting hiring her to Brimstone


Real name: Aamir

Age: Adult

Origin: Morocco

Race: Human

Height: 5'11

  • Cypher is Agent 5 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He hails from Rabat, Morocco, where Bind is located
  • He grew up in poverty, and grew a hatred for Kingdom for their ventures into his hometown, depleting it of his resources
  • He met someone called Nora, but like the rest of his family, she met a tragic fate
  • Since Aamir has lived off the grid, intentionally hiding his identity and face
  • He was recruited into VALORANT as its fifth agent; he has been involved in events surrounding its interests in the Everett-Linde Research facility
  • Omen has reached out to Cypher before for help in his search of answers
  • Cypher's secrecy conflicts with Sova's ideals of honesty and openness. Because of this Sova is vocal about his distrust for Cypher


Real name: Joon-Hee

Age: Young adult

Origin: South Korea

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'5

  • Jett is Agent 10 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She is from the Insa-dong neighbourhood of Seoul, South Korea
  • In her early life, she was a chef until an accident occurred involving her radiant powers
  • She was later recruited as VALORANT's 10th agent
  • She shares friendships with a lot of the younger agents, including Phoenix and Raze


Real name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Origin: Alternate Timeline Earth

Race: Robot

Height: 6'2

  • KAY/O is Agent 17 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He is a machine of war built by the humans of an alternate timeline Earth to assist them against the Radiants they were at war with
  • He was equipped with polarised Radianite which proved effective against Radiants
  • He was able to eliminate a lot of Radiants, including an alternate Reyna
  • KAY/O later travelled back in time to our Earth, arriving on an island near the Caribbean (Breeze) and was recruited into VALORANT


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: Germany

Race: Human

Height: 5'7

  • Killjoy is Agent 4 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She earned her call sign after her team used it to compliment her skills
  • She created the gadgets she uses in game herself, including her alarmbot, turret, nanoswarms and lockdown
  • She also created Brimstone's bracer
  • She likely acquired her skills working for Kingdom
  • Killjoy has been heavily involved in VALORANT's efforts to travel to Mirror Earth through the Everett-Linde Research Facility (Fracture). She was able to complete it with help from Chamber, and powered it with the help of Neon and her powers
  • She plays League of Legends
  • She is Brimstone's protégé
  • She and Raze have a friendly rivalry


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: Philippines

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'3

  • Neon is Agent 19 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She was born and raised in Manila, Philippines
  • She is a young but former veteran at Kingdom's humanitarian branch K/SEC, and was recruited into VALORANT after Chamber suggested she could be helpful with the protocol's plans at Everett-Linde Research Facility
  • She has been assisting Killjoy to power the teleporter that VALORANT hopes will allow access to Mirror Earth
  • Neon has a past misunderstanding with Chamber, which prevented him from contacting her directly


Real name: Ja- (partially revealed)

Age: Unknown

Origin: Unknown

Race: Radiant

Height: 6'1

  • Omen is Agent 3 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He was once a human, until an encounter with Radianite "ripped him apart"
  • Omen remembers little of his human life, and is on a quest for answers
  • He has a past connection to Viper, and likely worked for Kingdom
  • He played an important part in the setup of VALORANT
  • Omen knits as a way to help him focus
  • Skye claims that there is something unnatural about his teleporting
  • In his past life he knew Viper, and believes she has answers


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: United Kingdom

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'9

  • Phoenix is Agent 9 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He is from the Peckham district in London
  • Phoenix attended a Performing Arts school in London, but was later suspended
  • He repurposed a fire station as his home
  • He was later recruited by VALORANT, and was unable to prevent Mirror Jett from detonating a spike in Venice, Italy (Ascent) on a solo mission
  • In a mission in Rabat, Morocco (Bind), he encountered his mirror counterpart, and was later filled in on the threat of Mirror Earth


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: Brazil

Race: Human

Height: 5'8

  • Raze is Agent 12 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She is from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
  • She worked with Breach as a criminal duo before they were both recruited into VALORANT
  • She has a friendly rivalry with Killjoy
  • As stated before, she worked with Breach in the past and the two have a good friendship
  • She borrowed one of Killjoy's alarmbots, and modified it into what she uses as her Boom Bot


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: Mexico

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'10

  • Reyna is Agent 11 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She was affected by a disaster involving technology, and has since grown a strong dislike for humanity and machines
  • As a result of her trauma, she is a strong believer in Radiant supremacy and believes that Radiants are the true future for humanity, not technology
  • She was recruited into VALORANT, and attempted to spread her ideals to other Radiants, mostly in vain
  • She seems to have a role in protecting her city
  • Reyna has known a little girl who she had a close relationship with
    • The girl later died, however the cause is unknown
  • Reyna dislikes Brimstone's moral approaches to leading VALORANT
  • Some of Mirror Killjoy's machines affected her life in a bad way
  • There is possible animosity between Reyna and Viper, which may be as a result of something that happened with Viper and the little girl Reyna knew
  • In line with her ideals of a Radiant future, Reyna encourages Skye to unlock the full potential of her power and reprimands, Neon for limiting her powers with a surge protector
  • There is friction between Sage and Reyna; Sage is cautious and wary of Reyna's dangerous philosophies. Sage wishes to train Radiants to use their powers for good, Reyna tries to get Radiants to reach their full potential regardless of ethics


Real name: Unknown

Age: Adult

Origin: China

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'7

  • Sage is Agent 7 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She is a Radiant monk who was later recruited by VALORANT
  • Sage quickly rose in the ranks becoming VALORANT's second-in-command, after Brimstone
  • She has shown interest in leading VALORANT's Radiant training program, and warns Brimstone of allowing Reyna to do so, as she is cautious of the latter's philosophies
  • She has crossed paths with Viper before, however apparently failed at what was expected of her, causing Viper to strongly resent her for it


Real name: Unknown

Age: Adult

Origin: Australia

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'6

  • Skye is Agent 14 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She is from Nimbin, Australia and was reached out to by VALORANT
  • She was initially reluctant on joining as she didn't want to leave her home unprotected, until she quickly realised the fight was bigger than her home
  • In addition to the trinkets she uses in game, Skye has attempted to make other summons, but claimed it didn't go well
  • There are multiple voice lines that suggest Skye's power has dangerous potential


Real name: Unknown

Age: Adult

Origin: Russia

Race: Human

Height: 6'1

  • Sova is Agent 6 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He is an archer and skilled hunter from the town of Severomorsk in Murmansk Oblast, Russia
  • He claims to have had multiple encounters with Radianite based events, including going through a rift and meeting his mirror counterpart
  • He does photography
  • He has close ties with his grandmother
  • There is friction between him and Cypher, as Cypher's secrecy conflicts with Sova's values of honesty and openness. Sova has been vocal of his distrust for Cypher
  • Sova has met his mirror counterpart, being one of only two agents that have done so (the other being Chamber)
    • They seemed to have had a fight in which our Sova won and chose to spare his mirror counterpart


Real name: Sabine

Age: Middle-aged adult

Origin: United States of America

Race: Human

Height: 6ft

  • Viper is Agent 2 of VALORANT Protocol
  • She is from Alaska, USA
  • After gaining a doctorate in chemistry she joined Kingdom, and has been a part of its many global operations, including the company's ventures in Rabat, Morocco (Bind)
  • Her involvement with Kingdom's controversial actions seemingly had consequences for Sabine, and these consequences made her hateful and biased
  • She was the second agent hired into VALORANT, and helped set up the organisation alongside Brimstone
  • As a leading member of VALORANT, Viper has been involved in a lot of its missions, including the organisation's interests in the Everett-Linde Research Facility (Fracture)
  • She was with Brimstone when the two met Chamber under unfortunate circumstances
  • Viper knew Omen in his past life, however she keeps information from him
  • There is possible animosity between Reyna and Viper, which may be as a result of something that happened between Viper and the girl Reyna knows
  • Viper has crossed paths with Sage before, however their collaboration did not go as planned, as Sage was unable to do what was expected of her


Real name: Unknown

Age: Young adult

Origin: Japan

Race: Radiant

Height: 5'8

  • Yoru is Agent 15 of VALORANT Protocol
  • He grew up in Tokyo, Japan, and knew the neighbourhood where Split is now set
  • He is interested in learning about an ancestor of his, and believes they have a connection to Kingdom's S22 container port (Icebox)
  • He stole the mask he uses in his Ultimate from Icebox
  • He was later recruited by VALORANT
  • Shortly after his induction into VALORANT, Yoru returned to Icebox and discovered that the samurai ship didn't sail to Icebox from Japan


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/t2pjhf/every_agents_lore_summarised/
  • https://reddit.com/t2pjhf

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