Everyone's so good

Posted by Steve

Sunday, October 18, 2020 1:46 AM

In Act 2, I was a plat 1, almost ranked up to plat 2 and consistently top-3rd fragging and started from silver 2. Since the new act, everyone's been destroying me, and my gunplay feels so... different. It feels like im 500ms behind the game, whether I peek or get peeked. Sometimes my enemies shoot me in the body 4 times before I have the time to aim at the head. My crosshair placement isnt bad either. Something just feels off. And the weirdest thing is, these players were gold silver3-gold 3s in Act 2, whom I should be killing with ease. I don't feel like I'm positioning myself any differently, or peeking angles differently, but suddenly everyone's just gotten, better? People constantly complain about inconsistency in valorant but I'm not experiencing any of that at the moment, because I'm just consistently shit. Please send help


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jcti77/everyones_so_good/
  • https://reddit.com/jcti77

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