Everything Interesting Added in 1.06 (Datamined content including a new skin set, stream-sniper counters, and a new in-development game-mode.)

Posted by Steve

Thursday, August 20, 2020 6:29 PM

Hello everyone! I'm back for another update, today's post will be about everything I found interesting that was added in the 1.06 patch. Enjoy!

Let's start of with cosmetics.

The Cosmos set was added to the game. This set includes a Sheriff, Ares, Guardian, Phantom, and a Knife. These weapons are not upgradeable.

Item Shop Background for Cosmos Set

Weapon Side Renders

Background all of the guns use as a base texture.

Here is a video showcasing all of the weapons in the Lobby.


Next up, we have some strings.

The upcoming game feature, called "Remake", allows players to cancel a match if a person goes AFK at the beginning of the game. This feature is not available for 5-man stacks.

Updated Remake Strings

There are some new privacy settings that have been added!

"Privacy_AnonymizeSelf": "Hide My Name from Players Outside My Party" "Privacy_AnonymizeMatchmadePlayers": "Use Generic Names for Players Outside My Party"

These will be a great first step to stopping stream snipers. These features may or may not be live in game.

You can also auto-decline friend requests now.

"FriendRequestAutoRejectTooltip": "The setting \"Auto-Reject Friend Requests\" is set to On. Incoming friend requests will not be shown. You may still send friend requests."

Like league, you may be able to transfer your account to another region soon.

"FatalNotification_TransferInProgress": "Your session has ended due to account transfer in progress."

Next up, game-mode news! A new game-mode is currently in development, it's currently called Alt5.

Devs are currently testing orbs, smokes, a bunch of particle effects, such as Raze's rocket. It looks like a mini-map is in development as well. They also seem to be testing the new game-mode on Haven.

I have no idea what this game-mode could be about, it's definitely unfinished and possible even a red herring.

Haven (Triad) Alt5 support.

Lastly, map news!

Based on some added props, the A site on Bind could be getting an update soon. A bunch of new props added for it were named "Truck Building". Not sure if this update is live in-game yet.

New props added to Bind

That's everything interesting added in 1.06! I hope you enjoyed this information, if you want more frequent updates, be sure to follow my twitter. Thanks, and have a great rest of your day.

- Mang0e


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/idfvlr/everything_interesting_added_in_106_datamined/
  • https://reddit.com/idfvlr

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