Feature request: Overtime only mode

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 5, 2022 10:36 PM

I know we have modes like replication and spike rush for quick games but tbh I think it'd be really fun to just have an unrated mode that puts both sides into overtime rules where everyone gets 5000 credits and however many points for their ultimate and sides will continuously switch. At some point when people tie, can have people vote if they wanna continue playing.

Perhaps winning by 2 might be too quick (I want a mode that is quick so it would be fine for me) but I think there are ways to tweak it i.e. changing how much you have to win by, changing when you need to vote, etc.

I've seen people suggest a mode that was first to 5 unrated rules which is also great but perhaps it's a bit weird balancing that (feel like some comps would steam roll the eco rounds and then pretty much secure a win even after switching sides; not that the mode needs to be something that is balanced). Selfishly, I just want an overtime mode just so I can put myself in the situation more often because I lose a lot of OTs xD



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zcike4/feature_request_overtime_only_mode/
  • https://reddit.com/zcike4

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