Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 18, 2023 4:07 AM
For dizzy: The higher u throw, the better.
if people in your rank know that they can just shoot it, treat it as a reyna flash.
For as much as possible, always have vision on dizzy to have info on the amount of enemies and their position. Better than relying on the “someone’s there” voiceline.
It is hard to avoid the flash so it is possible to just go in and kill the blinded enemies.
If ur on defense, there are maps where the sky is open enough for to just throw dizzy straight up, never throw you dizzy into the enemies because u need to pick it up again.
For wingman: He is not an ability only for planting, it’s basically if a raze boombot and skye dog had a baby, the stun can be avoided so be careful.
If he will be planting, when he enters site and u dont have a teammate that can smoke him for you, send dizzy in once he gets in site, it avoids wingman being killed and you will know who else could be watching.
For Mosh’s pit: he simply only for clearing angles and making enemies get out of their spots, even though his damage is insta 150 and has a large range, the timer takes pretty long, so lineups may not work with him.
He is also great as crowd control in defense so use him wisely.
For thrash: He is automatically sliding forward so combined with the W key, hes is hard to control so sometimes it is best to just let ur mouse steer while A and D control.
He can jump pretty far when u click his ult so you dont need to be literally kissing the enemy’s toes to make his ult work. Try him out in the range to know how far he can jump.
Be careful when re obtaining his ult, what u can do is send dizzy in before u obtain or ask for help. Do not instantly obtain it when ur in a 1v2-5 situation, wait before obtaining.
Once thrash jumps, you have a couple of seconds of vision so might as well drag ur mouse around to gather more info.
For Dizzy, Wingman and Thrash Always pick them up as much as possible, you cannot get them again if u dont pick em up
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