Posted by Steve
Monday, March 7, 2022 1:28 PM
More Like This
First Patchnotes of Beta
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 5:15 PM
Do you use the bulldog
I've recently started using the bulldog a lot and I think it's a good gun that isn't used a lot in my rank or lower (gold 3)
So I wanted to make this poll, if you could further especify your rank and why is good or not It would help me a lo...
Posted by Otto
Monday, March 1, 2021 6:31 PM
Went from Silver 2 to Plat 2 this season, and I honestly don't notice a difference
You still get Jett's that go 4-17. You still get entire teams that never use voice chat. Still get running one-tapped across the map. Still seeing the same strategies that I saw in silver. I don't feel like my aim is getting any better, nor...
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 9:24 PM