Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 4:21 AM
So it may not be much, but today I finally hit my goal of diamond for the first time. I’m hyped because this is my first fps game. I was gold 2 last act, and was placed silver 2(lost all my placements) this act. I after a couple of games(in gold lobbies) I ranked up to g1 and after a lot of games i reached g3. After climbing out of the gold hell , climbing in plat was pretty easy for me , had a couple of losing streaks but never felt as hard stuck as i felt in gold. I mainly played initiators (because they are the meta rn), I had a lot to learn. But I kept playing and improving and now I’m at my goal rank for this act. My new goal is to maintain diamond and hopefully go even higher :D. If anyone needs any tips to get out of plat, I got you. The following guides helped me a lot:
How to INSTANTLY Improve Your Aim with Crosshair Placement in Valorant - YouTube
Here are things which i noticed during my journey:
- Game sense is the most important thing you should focus on if you want to improve. My game sense instantly leveled up after i reviewed few of my vods and compared it with some of the pros. Also try to keep track of the abilities and enemies spotted at different areas of the map, this would drastically improve your awareness and help you to take best decision at any moment. Look at the current state of the your team's and enemy team's abilities , create an action plan and implement that with your team(SUPER SUPER SUPER important). Always have a plan of action in your mind, even if you are in a 1v5 situation. This tip was especially helpful for climbing in plat because most your teammates have good/ decent aim and some communicate too and the deciding factor for winning a round are the strategies.
- Next is Crosshair Placement and movement . You can find a lot of guides on youtube. One tip that helped me is that when practicing cross hair placement in DMs or customs focus on your cross hair but in a real match focus on the corner rather than the cross hair (because you have already trained your brain the place the cross hair correctly and you just have to react to the enemy, this tip will help you to quickly react to your enemies).
- Aim train - I usually play 20 min of aimlabs or kovaak's (Pyth's playlist) just for warm up. After that i usually practice my counter strafe in the range( THIS IS SUPER SUPER important). A lot of you might be thinking that you know how to counter strafe, but trust me you don't. Use the range to practice the timing for your counter strafe and firing at the target for different weapons( I do it every day). After that, I play a sheriff only DM and vandal/ phantom DM, depending on what I am feeling that day, without sound/ very little sound (this is important). If you aim train at aimlabs or kovaak's practice you tracking also.
- Main only 2-4 agents.
- Check your goddamn corners, its as simple as that. Don't just rush every where, even in DMs. Play slowly checking every corner, practice your peaks (jiggle/ wide, ferrari/jump peaks), and try to take fights in locations where most of the fights in a ranked match will happen.
Sorry for my bad english, i am not a native english speaker.
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