Finally hit gold and skipped a rank!

Posted by Steve

Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:12 AM

Was having a bad night so I hopped on Val for a game or two after work. I played two unrateds and then saw a friend I haven’t played with in awhile online so I sent him a message on if he wanted to play. We loaded up comp because we said fuck it why not and I started as Silver 2 while he was unrated. We went on to play 8 games because of the fun we were having and went 7-1. My promotion game to Gold 1 we went berserk and I actually ended up skipping up to Gold 2! I’ve been playing for about a year and a half and this is my first PC FPS so this was a big accomplishment for me, and shoutout to my boy for the good games :)



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