Posted by Steve
Monday, April 10, 2023 7:14 AM
It finally happened. It’s been almost 2+ years (33 months) and I’ve finally been able to reach Diamond! ;-; I reached Platinum in July of last year and I never really had any hopes of reaching diamond then, considering how my mindset was back then. But ever since then, I’ve focused a lot on my mindset and map awareness over raw mechanics and I’ve finally been able to hit Diamond. NGL, I’ve never felt this proud considering the amount of time I’ve spent on this game ;-;
I’ve got to give a huge s/o to the community here, who’ve given the best advice and have helped me grow so much! If there’s a few tips I’d like to share back to the community if anyone is looking to rank up, it would be these -
Be ready to accept a loss because trust me, they will come. The earlier you are mentally prepared for it, the quicker you will recover and focus on the next. Although, if you go on a loss streak, consider taking a break (can vary from person to person) and get back on it when you regain your confidence!
Work on map awareness and utility usage too. Raw aim-duels can be satisfying to get but the main objective is to win rounds. Try staying alive for as long as you can (if you play smokes/support) and take “calculated” fights.
Communicate! Trust me, I never used to communicate while I solo queued thinking my teammates would taunt me or something but trust me, I’ve found the most amazing players in solo queue who communicate exceptionally well. Don’t be scared to unmute!
A huge s/o to everyone here again! (Just super happy right now xD)
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