FIRST Operator Elderflame in the world (IRL 3D Print)

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 21, 2022 1:00 PM

Hello! We would like to show you our latest piece, the most complex we have ever made.

We are very proud of it because it has taken a lot of hours, about 250 hours of printing and 100 hours of post-processing.

It is an Elderflame operator of exactly 1,2 meters long and 60 cm high (real scale in the game) We made it for a big Valorant streamer/analyst (Hitboxking).

I hope you like the piece very much as it has taken a lot of work :)

I leave here also our social networks:

Thank you very much for your support, we would love to know what pieces you would like us to do for the next times :)



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