Flawed system with 5 stack - how to become Immortal

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 11:48 AM

I regularly check the match history of my friends to be up to date. Well, today I saw an interesting match which shows how fucked up this 5 stack system is. In that match the opponent team had 4 low level players (probably new accounts) and one Immortal 3 player. The said Immortal 3 player has 42 wins to 5 losses so far.

I, for myself, have wondered why matches in Ascendant+ feel so off sometimes. Boosting seems easier than ever before ...

Here you can check said player: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Mosi%23UZL/overview

Edit: fyi: at least one of those low level accounts is a smurf. Those fresh accounts drag down the MMR of the group to a lower level to ensure a safe win. You only need 4 friends and here and there they have to create a new account.

@evrmoar: anything to say about that? I mean getting paid for not working seems to be a good job to me :) this ranked system is flawed since launch and nothing has changed.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xdecf0/flawed_system_with_5_stack_how_to_become_immortal/
  • https://reddit.com/xdecf0

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