For beginners looking to improve: there are a ton of guides from CSGO that can directly apply to Valorant.

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 9, 2021 1:57 AM

For beginners looking to improve: there are a ton of guides from CSGO that can directly apply to Valorant.

If you're looking to improve and don't know where to start, chances are your first instinct is to search up on youtube "Valorant tips and tricks" or "Valorant beginner guides."

While some videos there might be useful, it's just flooded with channels that make ten different videos repeating the same, obvious facts like "aim at head level" or "go learn how to peek." sometimes even saying wrong facts.

If you need something more specific than that, something that actually tells you how-- look for small valorant channels or look for CSGO guides that go into detail about the same thing.

CSGO has a goldmine of content that can also get translated into Valorant, as they are fundamentally similar. Better yet, a lot of this content is made by pros themselves.

I mean, just search up "Crosshair placement csgo" and "Crosshair placement valorant" and try comparing them. They go into detail on the same things, except the csgo ones actually go more into detail and do not say the same things like "use map markers" and "don't look at the floor." Oh, and they are much shorter, often less than 5 minutes, and are actually made by people who have actual experience in the highest ranks.

Here are a few examples:

How to aim better - Made by steel, a current Valorant pro in 100t. Talks about aim in general and how you can improve it.

Launders' POV: How good was swag's crosshair placement? - Analyzes and teaches how to improve crosshair placement. Highly recommend this one.

Crosshair Placement Tricks - Aiming Just Became A LOT Easier! | CS:GO - Teaches crosshair placement for beginners in less than 5 minutes.

CS:GO Movement: How to peek & win aim duels - Teaches basic peeking in less than 5 minutes.

Get INSANE Movement (NO BS) | Valorant Movement Guide - Teaches more advanced and detailed peeking and movement inside of Valorant.

It's something I wish I learned when I was a beginner, and I hope that it will help many in this sub as well.



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