For the people against the "I get +20 kills consistently but my team is holding me back crowd"

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 13, 2020 10:36 AM

i completely agree, but:

not 100% of us are like this. sure the majority is, but there is a legitimate problem in silver-gold (probably more than just these 2 ranks but this is what i know of right now). i know all of you cool kids in diamond and immortal look at us and say "y'all belong down there, there's no smurfing problem, and theres basically no afks!" but news flash: there is. I'm sure most of you have all seen the experiments of people writing down the afks in 20 games, and as you have seen, they are absurdly high. mixed in with the abundance of confirmed smurfs, and intentional throwers, it makes the low ranks incredibly hard to rank out of. sure if you are a literal god, you will easily get out of it, but for us that are in high silver to low gold, when we should only belong a few ranks higher, but it's incredibly hard.

i for example, am currently silver 3, playing basically whoever my team needs. no matter who i play, 90% of the time i find my self entry fragging due to our entry fraggers or flashes going to flank. i don't really don't know what to say to explain how little communication and how easily people give up. i'm legitimately trying to get out of high silver/low gold, but it's very hard when you have constant 4v5s or diamonds on the other team.

tldr: don't instantly say people who think they should be in a higher rank are automatically wrong. i think all of u are under estimating the amount of afks and smurfs, which what u all say is that there aren't enough of them to completely hold ur rank down, but yes there are. i do agree with the main point of people whining that their rank should be higher, but not all of them are wrong.

forgot to add: i'm going off of and referring to this



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