For some reason, this game alleviates my anxiety

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 1, 2021 10:21 PM

It's like I've taken a pill when I play this game (never have mind you). It's crazy. For background, I have circumstances I can not currently escape (nothing super severe) and whilst it's been this way for years now, these last two months in particular have kept me in constant anxiety/stress. Naturally I often try to escape to many games across different (even new) genres, I've even been building my own game. Usually at least a couple of times each minute I'll still feel the pulse of anxiety through me as my mind ticks back to my worries; but for some reason, playing valorant just completely draws my mind away from it. I don't feel anything until I'm shutting off the game and I can even think about things that bother me without immediately running into an anxiety wall.

Just thought I'd share because it's been a very surreal experience, and I'd be super curious if anyone has anything even somewhat similar to share.

I'm gonna go and sleep at a normal time now because I can happily lay in bed and try to sleep without being scared of my own thoughts and trying to distract myself on my phone (I'm not soft, I just crumble at the idea of some of the things I can't change). Don't worry I'm moving forward and have a psych I see regularly!



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