Forge: The molten metal maiden: Valorant agent concept

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 12:31 AM

Passive: Forge starts the game with 250 metal and can melt down weapons dropped by enemies to get 40% of that weapons cost worth of metal. Metal is reset when sides are switched. Forge can use any ability that she has used this round again but this will cost metal equal to the abilities cost.

C: Master blacksmith: Cost 150, Charges, 1: Forge can select a teammate or herself making the target's bullets be able to wallbang with no reduced damage for 3 seconds.

Q: Magnesium horseshoe: Cost 300, Charges 1: Forge throws a horse shoe that upon colliding with a surface will stick to it for 5 seconds and blind anyone that looks at it.

E: Steel armor: Cost Free, Charges 1: Forge gains 10 shields and for 3 seconds your shields will absorb 90% of damage taken and take 80% less damage. During this time you can not shoot. The duration stops earlier if your shields are broken. This ability's cost is set to 200 when used with iron.

X: Straight from the oven: Cost 4 ult points, Voiceline team “Shops open!”, Voiceline enemy “Were ready for ya”: Forge opens the shop gaining the ability to buy weapons for iron. Teammates can request items from the shop as usual. Once the shop closes it can not be opened again.



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