Free 1:1 Coaching from Asc/Imm Player

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 11, 2022 2:55 PM

Hey Friends!

I recently saw some folks on this thread volunteer for some free coaching, and figured I would be happy to do the same!

For some background on me, I've been playing Valorant since Beta and am an Ascendant/Immortal player (currently stuck in Ascendant, but peaked in top 1k of Immortal leaderboards back in EP2 - here's my tracker link for more details:

I’m a fairly well rounded player when it comes to roles/Agents, so I'm happy to coach on any you guys might be interested in!

As for the coaching, 100% free for anyone who is interested. All that I ask in return is:

  • Anticipate the session being ~30-45 minutes, and ideally during the evening (~7pm-10pm EST)
  • Come prepared with a VOD for us to review, so I can get a sense of your gameplay/habits. Also, don't pick a VOD of your best game - instead pick one that is a normal/average game, so I can get a good sense of your typical play
  • Come prepared with any specific questions you may have:
    • Ex) How can I make space for my team as Jett/Phoenix/[Insert Duelist]
    • Ex) I keep losing duels - how can I improve my gunfights?
    • Ex) I'm really struggling on [Insert Map] and I play [Agent] - any tips?
  • You're OK with me recording our coaching session & uploading to my YouTube channel. My hope is to build an edutainment channel, where other players can benefit from our 1:1 coaching sessions!

If you're interested, please just drop a comment below - we can figure out logistics (Date/Time, Discord Server, etc.) via DM's when/if people opt in. If a lot of people take interest, I’ll utilize a “first come, first serve” method for scheduling.

Thanks everyone & looking forward to meeting you!

EDIT: Thanks for all the signups guys! Since this is my first time doing this, I'm going to pause any additional coaching sessions for now. If you read this in the future and would still want to signup, still feel free to leave a comment! After I get through this first group, my goal will be to circle back for another group of ~10. Thanks again!



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