Friendly reminder if your going trough a rough time, there are people you can talk to.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 4:36 AM

Friendly reminder if your going trough a rough time, there are people you can talk to.

Just got off a match where i had a teammate breach who sounded like he was having a rough day. So talked to him for a bit and then he asked us for reasons to live. I immediately realized that he was serious and me and the randos told him that he's great. He said he was good and just for extra measure i typed in the suicide prevention number in chat just in case he needed someone to talk to. He said he'd call if he needs it and we continued to play the game. We won and after the game i sent him a friend request and he accepted it.

I'm sorry if i rambled a bit but i felt like i needed to let people know that if you're thinking about those thoughts, you can always talk to people.

edit: here's a list of suicide prevention numbers if you need it.



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