From 3 kills and 11-2 behind to MVP

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 1:00 AM

Got thrown back a few ranks this episode (was always around dia2/dia3, now i'm plat 1, playing together with former gold players. I have to admit: It's tough. Noticeably more toxicity. You can't really depend on teammates. Overall the game is just less fun to be honest.

Got flamed to death by a few teammates during my 'poor' performance at the attacking side. The duelists on my team took no responsibility, resulting in me pushing on site first together with a Sage. Just went my own way at the defending side and purely focussed at my game. Glad it paid off.

At the end one of the flaming teammates apologized for his behaviour earlier, which was kinda new for me.Told him that flaming will not help anyone struggling in a specific game. Be nice, throw in a few NT's, even if it wasn't and eventually that person might make the difference in a game.



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