From Iron 2 in beta to Immortal 1 as a mostly Solo Q Killjoy.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 1:43 AM

From Iron 2 in beta to Immortal 1 as a mostly Solo Q Killjoy.

This is just for me since I don’t have anyone to really go crazy with. I’m so excited right now. In beta I first got iron 2, the highest I got was Iron 3, I think maybe bronze 1. Act 1 the highest I got was gold 3, act 2 the highest I got was Plat 3, and in this act I just got my first Immortal 1 win. I’m obviously gonna try to get immortal 1 act rank but it’s been a journey.

I am mostly a killjoy main, and have basically perfected how I like playing each site on each map, other than icebox. I use sage on that map for mid/tunnel control.

Biggest takes, especially from Plat-diamond, Plat players are juiced up Golds. If you think gold is your peak, you’ll do fine in plat. You run into the same type of players. I say plat is a perfect rank to get your techniques down and it’ll set you up.

In diamond, I feel like they have insane aim and one taps are just crazy. If you aren’t used to just tapping heads, it’ll be a hard to adjust but it’s doable, but a lot of times game sense isn’t all there. I think I was able to break out of diamond pretty easily by just outsmarting them. Knowing lineups, and being able to know how to punish mistakes helps a lot. This doesn’t mean you can’t be a perfect player, but having map control and being able to know where they are or where they’ll push helps a lot.

I solo q most of my games, and really it does come down to team diff. Even though I solo q, I get 5 stacks a lot. 5 stacks just work better together since they can communicate way more efficiently. Even in high diamond lobbies I’ll get players who just. dont. comm. It doesn’t stop me from constantly making call outs and trying to comm though. Always have a positive mindset, once you start being negative it can bring morale down and that hurts the team the most honestly.

Also, confidence. Have a ton of confidence. If you’re gonna peek, peek with intent to kill not run away. Unless you’re jiggle peeking! But remember everything in this game is basically wallbangable lol.

Pic of me in beta:

Me just hitting Im1:



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lmaoo not my clip I was on the enemy team


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