Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 3, 2020 3:24 AM
Before i start i just wanna add real quick that i was playing rainbow six siege (300 hours) and cs go (250 hours) before i wasn't very good at it but it definitely gave me an edge. Also i mostly play jett.
What i struggled with in iron is teammates going their separate way and playing comp like its FFA the only reason i got trough it was trough some friends who where also iron. What i recommend for this rank is that you learn how to stay still while aiming and learn the maps so you can get an edge on peaks
I got trough bronze really quick it felt like iron but with a little bit of teamwork and aim. What i noticed is that a lot of ppl use their abiltys more and push more on sight instead of witchhunting the enemy team. I recommend not pushing on defender since i lost a lot of rounds of me pushing attackers for no reason.
Silver is the rank i struggled the most with from smurfs to people who are straight up better then me but this is what i noticed:
If your gonna push push together its not wise to go alone
use your abilities i can't say it enough i see a lot people not using their ults or smokes/flashes.
What i recommend(optional) is improving your aim to get hit most of your shot. I use the range put the bots on hard and strafe i do this 10 minutes before i play and my aim is improving every day.
Since i myself am in gold its hard to make a review but this is what i noticed: this is the rank where people can aim really REALLY good. I'm still improving everyday but i feel like if your gold not pushing on defenders and pushing together is really important.
Well that was kinda my guide its my first one so sorry if that didn't help you ill definitely improve the next one
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