From Silver to Gold/Plat

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:31 PM

Im a fairly new player, I started around March and Im also a very slow learner so I know it will take me like 7 more months of playing to be actually decent. But I do feel like I made progress but my gold/plat friends keep saying I belong in Bronze/silver elo and sometimes call me a bot. While that might be true, I eventually do want to be gold/plat some day. I solo queued myself to Silver 3 but then had a series of just BAD games in a row that caused me to de-rank to silver 1so I feel extremely discoutaged. How do I know if Im carrying my own weight? And what what makes gold/plat people better than bronze/silver? I feel so overwhelmed sometimes with all the micro mechanics in this game :(



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