Full Game 3v5 = 13-10 WIN (#NoobHumbleBrag)

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 4:50 AM

Yes it was an unrated game, but I just started playing a month and a half ago and this was practically my best game ever (I'm the Match MVP Omen). Just sharing 'cos I'm super proud of myself. :D

Story goes like this - 2 people in my team disconnected right at the start of the game just after loading in (loading screen took too long so they quit maybe) so it was a 3v5 right from the start. And then something happened and I started stomping with my Omen that I literally started playing a week ago lol. My 2 team mates were rad as hell too so we won haha. (Our Sage turned back up like in the 2nd last round lol and just died so doesn't count.)

I used my Singularity Phantom most of the game and was popping of flicks and headshots left, right and center. I literally did not know where it was coming from, like I was possessed by some pro's ghost. :P Final kills = 41, my career high. I'm a freaking Iron 3 ffs and even though I'm mostly top fragger or at least 2nd in most games, this was a totally new experience haha. Survival mode kicked in maybe. :P


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kmdhel/full_game_3v5_1310_win_noobhumblebrag/
  • https://reddit.com/kmdhel

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