Funny and interesting statistics idea for when game ends.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 5:33 PM

I think it would be cool to be able to see in the screen when game ends or in career some funny statistics, not toxic behavior intended, just show in a more visible way these kind of things:

  • Most attacked player. (took the most damage out of all players)
  • Least attacked player.
  • Most aggressive player. (maybe unnecessary cause generally would be match mvp)
  • Most passive player. (the one who dealt less damage)

Another cool idea is to give tittles to players depending on their performance in the match and their playstyle, some ideas:

  • Technician. (The one who placed, actively used and dealt damage with his abilities)
  • Duel Master. (The one who won matches the most or maybe just mvp)
  • Economist. (The one who had the best economy in the team)
  • Strategist.

I think it would be a nice addition to the game cause it would help reduce toxicity, especially the 2nd idea. Being mvp is not what people should be focusing on, neither the kills. This game is based on teamwork and everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

What you think?



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