Posted by Steve
Sunday, February 21, 2021 6:17 AM

I'm creating this topic to summarize some popular requests in regards to crosshair configuration, plus I want to raise my personal view on what might be added to the crosshair configuration. Please note that there are quite a few screenshots in this article and it is important to click the hyperlink to view them in order to understand the message fully.
1. Colors.
There are only 8 colors we are able to select from.
Having an option to select any color from the RGB palette is a necessary implementation. The seek for the best color for the player is based on a number of variables, such as:
- Type of the panel of the display
- Graphic in-game settings
- Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Digital Vibrance ...
- Crosshair type
- Personal preference
An example, I prefer the red color of the crosshair, but the red color you able to select at the moment is way too bright. The workaround for that would be to increase the opacity, as a result, the saturation of red becomes less and while it resolves the initial problem, it also creates a new one - it is harder to concentrate on a transparent crosshair.
2. Different crosshairs for weapons\abilities.
11 out of 14 agents do use lineups(e.g. sovas arrows, killjoys molotovs etc) for their abilities and a significant portion of lineups are built around the crosshair.
Currently, if you use firing error on either outer or inner lines the crosshair shrinks(the gap between lines is being reduced to zero) when you either equip a knife or use an ability(some abilities do have custom crosshairs e.g. sovas drone\ult). That results into a problem if you use a bigger crosshair. Please have a look at the example.
This is a normal crosshair with thickness 3 and outline on and this is how it looks when the ability selected.
It is more than obvious that a lot of lineups with that crosshair can not be performed or will be very inconsistent and you are as a player forced to play with the different crosshair. And one of the most annoying examples is Jetts ult, it is almost impossible to hit an accurate shot with that crosshair.
The solution is very simple - abilities should have an alternative precise crosshair. A simple white dot would resolve this problem. Here it is zoomed.
3. Option to use default\custom crosshair for shotguns.
This has been raised multiple times so I'm not going to talk a lot about it. The current crosshair for shotguns does not fit many players(myself included), the option to change it is a very important one but absent at the moment.
4. Line Offset with firing error enabled.
When firing error is enabled the line offset behaves differently than when it's disabled, this has been explained partially at point #2.
What exactly the crosshair is trying to do is to show us the margin of error for the future shot. If you set line offset to ZERO - the crosshair gap reflects where the bullets will go. The default gap is going to be different for different weapons(due to different recoil spreads). While we do have an option to ADD to the default gap by changing the value to the LineOffset, we do not have an option to deduct from the value, or to be more precise, set the value to a negative number.
Why this is important?
When the Firing error is enabled (with the gap set to 0) and you use Vandal or Phantom you will get the crosshair gap equal to 3 and through extensive testing I've come to the conclusion that the gap=2 is superior to gap=3. The reason for that is you still remain an 'open square' as your 'aiming zone' but it is just more precise and that helps a lot in a lot of different situations. And that's why so many players use static crosshairs with gap=2. So in order to achieve dynamic (FiringError ON) crosshair for vandal\phantom with gap=2 we would need to set LineOffset to -1. At the moment it is not possible.
5. Sheriff crouch crosshair.
The crosshair I use for this example is 1\6\2\off\on. This is how it looks when you stand still and this is how it looks when you crouch. So the problem is, it's that the lines of the crosshair are not in sync. Top and left lines retain gap=3, bottom and right shrank to gap=2.
6 Outlines.
All the previous points are real problems and I believe that they should be looked at ASAP. But when it comes to outlines, there is only one thing I would want to see to be implemented in the future.
Low strata level for outlines. The reason why players might find this useful is because it fixes the problem of overlapping. Here is the example - 1\2
If the outline strata level would've been lower the crosshair would look like this. Much much better.
Closing thoughts: Valorant is a competitive FPS game. And I believe that a competitive FPS game should provide players with either absolutely equal conditions or it should have a lot of flexibility in terms of game settings so that players can find the best settings for them. But at the moment only part of the players can build the best fit crosshair for them and the other part is left with what is left. As a Sova main who likes red, thick, and dynamic crosshair with outlines you will not find the best crosshair for yourself, because it's just impossible to build one at the moment, so either miss your arrows or miss your shoots and as it was stated previously, 11 out of 14 agents do use lineups. Valorant is my favorite online game of all time(along with SC2) and I truly believe that the developers do do a lot of right decisions in terms of game development, balance design, etc. But I also think that crosshair configuration has been overlooked so far and it is a very important portion of the game.
Thanks for reading.
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