G1 any Tipps for aim and positioning ?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 4, 2023 3:38 AM

so i think i have good aim when i dont need to do big flicks so micro adjustments are good but my big "flicks" (more like swipes) are not realy great and my crosshair placement is also quit good my HS rate in the last 20 matches is 26% and i had some games where i peeked with like 44% or 35% i have like 23+ kills per game playing a lot of sova and switch to phenix so i can use my aim a bit better do you guys have any tipps for me i can take it all im doing some aim labs everey day it culd be that i dont have any good positioning or that i just switched to pc from laptop and i got a new mouse i may just be that i need to become used to my new mouse... or playing with 165fps in generel


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/102bze0/g1_any_tipps_for_aim_and_positioning/
  • https://reddit.com/102bze0

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