game breaking bug on bind (probably map related)

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 8, 2023 6:31 AM

after second half of the game i could see enemy viper appearing on my minimap. I did not have perma vision of her as she'd often disappear, but i could see her through the minimap for a good amount of time without having any sort of vision of her. The pre-round screenshot and the ult one should quite show you what i mean (i'll attach other screenshots too) I showed this bug to my friends on a disc server and someone from there told me their gf also had this bug (they were jett and could see harbor through minimap with no vision of him, game was also on bind which is why it makes me think it's not agent related but rather map). I have no idea tho how to replicate this bug or what triggers it or if it's actually just on bind.



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