Game enjoyment

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 5, 2022 1:00 AM

Ok so for the better part of my life i always played on console and i played my fair share of fps games and i was decent at best, nothing special. The only games i ever played on pc was like minecraft and DDLC.

And so because of my friends i started playing val because it seemed fun and all, in the beginning it kinda was. Now ofc my kd barely reached 1 but i still enjoyed it to a point. Fast foward a month or two and i find myself having already a 100 hours in but still being absolute trash, i do aim practices and sometimes get headshots but i cant even get 10 kills in an unrated game. While i know its just a game but i find it so frustrating that it just ruins my mood and worsens my mentality.

I dont know if im just bad at the game or the fact that i played on pc for only a month? If anyone has any tips to enjoy the game more i would love to hear it.



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